Thursday, March 18, 2010

22nd March Randolph Caldecott (1846 -1886) World Water Day

Randolph Caldecott was an English 19th century illustrator around the same time as Kate Greenaway and Walter Crane. It is interesting that he was honoured by being chosen for the American picture book award. He was travelling in America with his wife when he died, just short of his fortieth birthday. The illustration depicted on the medal of a moving horse clearly shows the dynamicism of his illustrations in comparison to those of Kate Greenaway.

World Water Day is a day when we need to remember the important role water plays in our lives. Several children's books do this very well, but a deceptively simple one that has all the facts, is Did a Dinosaur Drink This Water? by Robert E. Wells. It starts with the premise that "the water we drink every day isn't new. It's been recycled - not once, but thousands of times!" and goes on to explain the water cycle in a very entertaining way. The illustrations are cartoon-like and certainly not beautiful, but you can get the artwork from other water books such as
• Frank Asch's Water
• Libby Hathorn & Peter Gouldthorpe's The Wonder Thing
• Thomas Locker's Water Dance, and
• Walter Wick's A Drop of Water

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