Saturday, July 7, 2012

7th July ALEA Conference

Last night at the ALEA Conference I heard Dr Steve Layne enthuse about ensuring we match students to books, the right books, and that we teach them how to choose books for themselves, that is not assume that they know how. It made me feel good that my whole teaching life hadn't been in vane, as this is something I have been endeavouring to do for so long. My library has as many book covers as possible showing, the displays change often, some every day, and we do our utmost to promote books and reading. I advertise books in assembly, and this term because of the National Year of Reading and the Book Week theme, 'Champions Read' each teacher will have a turn at 'selling' her picks in assembly too. We have posters up around the school for the staff saying what they read. He was so passionate, you couldn't fail to want to race off and do what he recommended. He read from one of his picture books, Love the Baby, a story of sibling rivalry when a toddler feels usurped by a new baby, so of course I had to buy it, get it signed, and I can't wait to tell my students at the first assembly all about the book and meeting a 'real' author during my school holidays.

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